





4 Year(s)




Maltese X

Microchip #:



My name is Daisy and I know what you’re thinking… what am I? Well… I’m said to be a Maltese cross, but I don’t know, I like to think that I’m a dog who has a little bit of everything. I’m only 6 months old and still have some growing to do, so maybe I’ll grow into my long legs in the coming months. 

You may notice in my photos that I have a lump on my left front leg, this is where I had an operation. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the usual fun puppy start to life. I broke my leg when I was 4 months only and had to have an operation to have a plate put in my leg. My leg has healed perfectly and it may look a little different from my other leg but the vets are confident that this won’t give me any troubles as I continue to grow. 

Because I’ve spent most of my recovery at home, I am used to being at home with my foster friends and parents, sometimes I can cry when you leave but that is only for a short time. I also haven’t had a lot of socialisation out in the world so I tend to bark at strangers or other dogs. Once I realise that new people want to say hello to me I quickly wag my tail and love to have a pat from them. I love going for walks with you, but will need some help keeping my focus on you rather than the person walking down the street towards us (also, liver treats help to keep me focused on you). Some extra training and socialisation will help me a lot to give me some confidence in the world and around other people. 

One of my favourite things to do are playing with my toys, I love to play fetch with you or if I don’t have anyone to play with I don’t mind finding a way to play on my own with my own unique style. I like to flick toys in the air and chase after them and growling. It’s so much fun! I’m also very good at chasing my tale! I can chase it so many times it can make me dizzy sometimes! 

In foster care, I have been in a home with other dogs and a cat and loved the company. Though I’m very friendly, I have a lot of energy and a bit sass. I growl at other dogs to try and try to get them to play with me because I’d really like to play all day! If I have any siblings (cats or dogs) in my forever home they will need to have a bit of patience with me, not snapping when I try and play with them and be willing to play fun games with me. Though I haven’t been in foster care with children in the home, I’m could be very happy in a home with children who like to play games and chasey with me. 

I have been great at using a doggie door and remembering to go outside to go to the toilet. I have trying to do this thing called sit, but I get a little bit excited sometimes and focus on the treat rather than the instruction, but with a little persistence, I’m sure I’ll figure it out.  I’m a very sweet girl who loves cuddles and great neck scratches. I’m not very good at jumping on the couch (I haven’t quite figured out how to do that, but I’m very capable of jumping on ottomans though, I like to stand on them to make me seem taller) but when my bed is close I’m quite happy curling up in my own space near you, but sometimes I do like to stare at you until you finally give up and pick me up for a cuddle. 

I am desexed, microchipped, vaccinated and up to date with my flea and worm treatments.

I am ready to meet my forever family and can’t wait to have the best life with you! 

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